Renters Insurance

Renters Insurance Information

If You Rent…You Need Renters Insurance

Don’t risk losing everything, or being homeless when Renters Insurance is so affordable. Remember, while your landlord might have insurance, it only protects the building. Your belongings are not covered under those policies. 

With renters insurance, you will be able to replace what is damaged or stolen.

Renters insurance covers your possessions against losses from fire or smoke, lightning, vandalism, theft, explosion, windstorm, and water damage from plumbing.

If you are forced out of your home because of a disaster your additional living expenses will be covered.

Renters insurance pays the reasonable additional costs of temporarily living away from your home if you can’t live in it due to a fire, severe storm or other insured disaster. It covers hotel bills, temporary rentals, restaurant meals and other living expenses incurred while your home is being rebuilt. Coverage for additional living expenses differs from company to company. 

Renters insurance also covers your responsibility to other people injured at your home or elsewhere by you, a family member or your pet and pays legal defense costs if you are taken to court.

Decide How Much Insurance You Need.

Add up the cost of everything you would want to replace if it were damaged or stolen. This could also serve as the basis for an inventory that will make filing a claim easier. For an inventory, also record model numbers, dates and places of purchase. Take photographs or make a video of these items and place a copy of the inventory in safe place away form your home.

Remember: your estimate should be based on Replacement Cost, not the actual value of your belongings.  Make sure you have enough insurance to go to furniture stores, home goods stores, clothing stores and even grocery stores to replace everything you lost in a covered loss (new for old}, so you can get your life back as quickly as possible. 

Have questions? Give us a call…we’re here to help!

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