Texting + Driving = Tragedy

It’s more dangerous on the road than you think. “American Agent & Broker” reports that, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly half of all drivers 21 to 24 have texted and emailed while driving. In fact, at any given minute, one in every 100 drivers (of all ages) were using hand-held devices while driving.

What does these mean in terms of accidents? The Federal Communication Commission’s website (fcc.gov) cites a shocking statistic from the NHTSA. In 2008, 16% of all fatal crashes (5,800 deaths), 21% of crashes resulting in an injury (515,000 people wounded) was caused by driver distraction.

What’s the lesson? Be careful and be aware of those around you. Now more than ever, it pays to be a defensive driver.

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